Progress Update

Dear Reader,

Thank you for sticking with us! This is our first shipment of agricultural equipment to Africa, and we have learned a lot. Among things that we have learned are:

  1. Import taxes for a private organization are 47% of the value of the shipment, vs. 2% for a registered NGO.
  2.  To unload a container from a truck (i.e. put the container on the ground), a crane must be rented for 1500 Euros.
  3. A decent equipment storage shed can be constructed for $4,000 in Burkina Faso. We are putting up $2000 if the farmers can match.
  4. Our friends and family are incredibly generous!

As our shipment nears and costs become more well-known, we see our final project cost as being around $25,000, and we have raised just over $17,500 so far! This means that we have $7,500 to go. If you know of anyone who would be willing to make a contribution, or any other fundraising ideas, please let us know in the comments, or email me at

I would also like to wish everyone reading this a Merry Christmas and a happy new year in 2016!



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