
Shipment No. 3 is Loaded!

Yesterday we loaded our third shipment destined to Burkina Faso.  We had another wonderful set of Cargill and Reviva volunteers to assist in the loading, and the operation went off without a hitch!! Having the warehouse and forklift along with Josh, Nate and Kevin from Reviva was massive for us. It Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Renovating a Disk

We’ve been busy the last 3 months renovating a 14′ John Deere disk. The disk was generously donated to us by Noreen Kleinfehn-Wald and her family. The below photo is Terry, Noreen and Moussa. We had some work done by the John Deere dealer in Alexandria, MN, then we transported Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Renovating Tractors with Reviva

Over the past several months, we have been working with Josh Stahl, Nate Williams and Kevin Viaene of Reviva Inc. Reviva remanufactures diesel and gas engines. See these links for information about Reviva info and Reviva video.  Josh Stahl is president of Reviva and wanted to assist Tractors For Africa. The partnership with Reviva Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Great Success with Tractor No. 2

Our second tractor had an excellent season in Burkina Faso in 2017. This shipment arrived approx one month earlier than our first shipment in 2016. This enabled a full season of soil preparation and planting. Justin did a wonderful job, scheduling and working 250 acres of land with both tractors, this Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Tractor Number 2 Arrived!!

After another long journey Tractor number 2 arrived. For this shipment we routed through Ghana, which caused different issues for as the container was transported overland through Ghana to Burkina Faso. We used a colleague at Cargill, Michael Amoako, who is from Ghana but lives in Minneapolis now, to help Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago


On June 26th, 2016 the container arrived at the final delivery point in Burkina Faso. It took 76 days to ship the container from Minnesota to deep into the interior or West Africa. This project took 19 months from conception to delivery. Its remarkable to think what we have accomplished, and Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Publicity on Local NBC News

Today we had some publicity on the local NBC news. Below is the weblink to the news story. http://www.kare11.com/news/non-profit-local-man-ships-tractor-to-africa/128857200 There was a short video clip shown on the news, of the tractor being loaded in the container at Matter’s warehouse. It was great to have the publicity. Below are 2 Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Moving Day!!

Today, Jim York (Mark’s father) transported all of the equipment up to the Twin Cities to prepare for shipment. The equipment was stored at Matter’s St Louis Park warehouse. It was quite a sight to see the equipment for the first time. Everything was in really good shape, the tractor Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago