
Science for Africa

 As we approach mid-July, the tillage season in Burkina Faso is drawing to a close. The rainy season runs from mid-June through September, so crops that are planted after today will not have enough rain to reach maturity. The two exceptions to this rule are super early maturing varieties of corn Read more…

By Mark York, ago

One Week In

Today marks the 7th day since we started the tractor, and what a ride it has been! Last Tuesday when we began to plow the first field to the astonishment of 100 villagers, we had no idea just how much demand there would be. Word spread quickly, and every time Read more…

By Mark York, ago

To the Fields

It took some work to get the tractor started given the measures taken to prepare the tractor for shipment, but with some excellent advice from my dad and Kent Shea, the tractor started right up! We tested the plow, cultivator and disk in front of 60+ villagers to the astoundment of Read more…

By Mark York, ago


On June 26th, 2016 the container arrived at the final delivery point in Burkina Faso. It took 76 days to ship the container from Minnesota to deep into the interior or West Africa. This project took 19 months from conception to delivery. Its remarkable to think what we have accomplished, and Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago

Preparing for the Arrival of the Tractor

As our tractor makes its way across borders and through customs, Louis and I have arrived in Burkina Faso to assist in the unloading and setup of the tractor and equipment. Yesterday we ran some errands in the capital, Ouagadougou (pronounced as “Waw-gaw-doo-goo”, by far the world’s most fun-to-pronounce capital Read more…

By Mark York, ago

To Africa!

Our tractor is about to arrive at the farmers’ doorstep in Burkina Faso, and so are we! Louis and I will be making our way there on June 19th. Louis will stay for one week, and I will stay for two months. Our goals while there will be four. Re-assemble Read more…

By Mark York, ago

Publicity on Local NBC News

Today we had some publicity on the local NBC news. Below is the weblink to the news story. http://www.kare11.com/news/non-profit-local-man-ships-tractor-to-africa/128857200 There was a short video clip shown on the news, of the tractor being loaded in the container at Matter’s warehouse. It was great to have the publicity. Below are 2 Read more…

By Maurice Hurst, ago