With over 40 acres tilled, 20 families helped, and an experimental yield plot showing a 190% increase in yield (plowing vs hand tillage), we consider 2016 a success. However, we went into it knowing that we would learn along the way, and learn we did. We used what we learned in 2016 to purchase the right equipment for this year’s shipment in 2017.

First, we learned that the economics of working in small, oddly-shaped fields necessitate fuel efficiency. Our Farmall 400 is a gas tractor, meaning that it consumes at least 25% more fuel than a diesel tractor of the same size. Additionally, gasoline costs 20% more than diesel in Burkina Faso. This not only costs the farmer cooperative money, but also requires additional trips to the field with fuel tanks on Justin’s motorcycle. Lastly, we learned that local mechanics only have experience working on diesel tractors, so diesel engines will be more familiar to them. On the positive side we learned that the Farmall’s versatile 2-pt hitch, simple transmission and power work well in West Africa.

With all of this in mind, we purchased a Farmall 460 diesel tractor from a collector in Larchwood, Iowa in early December. Our tractor is a 1959 model, and has 6 cylinders and 62 horsepower. It has the same hitch and transmission as the Farmall 400 we sent last year, which means that operation and parts will be very similar across the two models. The 460 was treated gently, having served as a dressed-up mower and parade tractor for the past 20 years. We are having it looked over by a mechanic who goes to our family’s church, and will have it on its way to Burkina Faso by March 1st.

We are actively procuring other equipment as well. So far, we have purchased a 3-bottom mounted plow, which will allow for quick transportation across distances. Other equipment we are looking to purchase includes:

  • Mounted 10-foot disk
  • Running gear on which to build a flat-bed wagon
  • Grinder
  • Thresher
  • 500 lbs of IH tractor weights
  • LOTS of spare parts

If you have leads on any of the above, please let us know! We are thrilled to be sending another container in a couple of months, and we could not do it without the help and generosity of you, our donors and supporters. Thank you!


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