Over the past several months, we have been working with Josh Stahl, Nate Williams and Kevin Viaene of Reviva Inc. Reviva remanufactures diesel and gas engines. See these links for information about Reviva info and Reviva video

Josh Stahl is president of Reviva and wanted to assist Tractors For Africa. The partnership with Reviva started last winter when Reviva offered the use of their warehouse in Brooklyn Center, so we could rebuild the trailer we sent in our last shipment. 

Then Reviva offered to acquire and renovate tractors for us!! Reviva definitely has the expertise in remanufacturing engines, so it’s no surprise that some of their employees, Nate Williams and Kevin Viaene in particular, were enthusiastic about renovating farm tractors. The first one is a Farmall 460, essentially the same tractor as our last shipment. The Reviva team arranged for new tires, updated the generator with an alternator, repainted the wheel fenders, and repaired the front end steering linkage. Below is a photo of the tractor at the Reviva warehouse undergoing renovations. Once this tractor is ready, the Reviva team will work on second tractor.

This relationship with Reviva is an excellent example of people offering to help in areas where they have passion and expertise. Thanks to Josh, Nate and Kevin for their work to date!!


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